Monday 23 December 2013

No dumping yard!

KOTTAYAM: After the Municipality gave a project report to the Collector on waste management, the District Collectorate came up with a forum to draw suggestions from the public on this regard
“We started a forum on the district website asking for solutions on waste management from the public but i am very disappointed as we receive only 26 mails,” said District Collector Ajit Kumar.
The report submitted by the municipal authority to the DC stated that 30 tonnes of garbage generated a day in Kottayam out of which 20 tonnes are organic waste. Mr Kumar explained that there are two solutions for the problem one is centralized with organic waste and decentralized with solid waste. “Waste will have to be buried or burned.”
Waste dumping problem is not new to the people of Kottayam, but from last six months it is worsen. After the agitation by the Vijaypuram Panchayat, the municipal authority assured the closure of Vadavadoor dump yard by 31st Dec.
To deal with this problem Mr Kumar said that now the amount of garbage taken to Vadavadoor dumpyard is only 8 tonnes and after the bio-gas plant set up at Kodimata (5 tonnes), it will be reduced to only 3 tonnes.
Tropical Institute of Ecology and Science (TIES) came up with a proposal of generating electricity and gas out of the solid waste. When asked abut this to the DC, he said “ anyone who came up with proposals like this, we told them to implement it on their own expense for at least six months. If it is successful then we will accept it, but Kottayam is not a place for scientifically experiments.”

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